Friday, March 2, 2012

Do You Dream?

Do you DREAM?
Do you ever just sit, gaze out the window and day dream? Do you ever waste the day away dreaming? I’m not taking about those types of DREAMS! I’m not even talking about airy fair types of dreams where suddenly you have wings and Peter Pan is accompanying you on an amazing adventure. Or the ones where you dream you’re SUDDENLY naked in class. I’m talking about DREAMS, GOALS for the future! HOPES, DESIRES, ENVISIONING GRAND

Do you take time to DREAM? Do you take time to write those DREAMS down on paper? Do you ever take those DREAMS and whittle them down into bite size goals? So that one
day that BIG DREAM can have WINGS and become a REALITY? Or are you the type of person that says, “I’m too busy to dream”!

I was that person! I said, “I am TOO busy to dream! Dreaming is for people who aren’t focused on the task at hand! They have TOO much idle time to waste”! Boy was I lying to myself! I’ve ALWAYS BEEN A SECRET CLOSET DREAMER!! I had ALWAYS had a SECRET dream of writing Children’s books. And one day my ENTIRE BUSY WORLD came crashing in and I lost my job along with thousands of others. So many hours spent working and never allowing myself to stop long enough to dream! It took me a few months of freaking out before I allowed myself to REALLY dream again! And literally 3 months later my 1st Children’s book “Rachel and the Lion”
was sent to PRINT!

What DREAMS are you sitting on that are silently becoming DORMANT? What DREAM do you NOT ALLOW yourself to DREAM cuz it’s JUST TOO BIG for you? DREAM! DREAM!
DREAM, because without them NEW SEASONS can’t begin!! Dream for that NEW HOUSE! Dream for that next DEGREE! Dream for a SPOUSE! Dream for CHILDREN!! Dream to be debt free! Dream for funds to buy a NEW CAR! Dream! Dreams, give us that hope and expectation for tomorrow! Dreaming gets us excited about our potential. So DREAM, because it’s good for you! Just DREAM!

Stephanie Lainez
Children’s Book Author

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