Do you sit daydreaming about going back to school to get your degree? Do you picture yourself writing a bestselling book? Do you fantasize about starting a business or picking up an amazing hobby? I’m sure there are things that you’ve dreamt of doing and just never got around to doing it. You know those things that you’re good at YET never have time to really dive into. You know exactly what I’m talking about. You know that hidden talent that everyone of your friends and family brag about. You hear the comments all the time like: “Wow, your cakes and cookies are amazing! You should open your own bakery”! Or “You’re SO great with kids! You should be a teacher”! Or “You’re voice is beautiful! You should be a professional singer”! Or “Geez, you are a wiz at computers you should get into gaming, programing, consulting and stuff”! I can go on and on. You know exactly the area that you are gifted in BUT…
The excuses are in plentiful supply. You can list your excuses in alphabetical order. Yet the all those excuses are just that, excuses. The only thing that’s holding you back is YOU! It’s not time! It’s not money! It’s not the lack of support! IT’S YOU!! You stand in the way of you the majority of the time. And how is it working for you? Still no books written, still no restaurant opened, no degree hanging on your wall, no classroom full of eager learners and so on and so on. I know these excuses oh TOO WELL! I am the QUEEN of the “ME Barrier”.
So what are you sitting on? What talents are you great at yet haven’t stepped into? I’d love to know what talents you’re sitting on!
Stephanie Lainez